Directions to CMLS

To go from Massy-Palaiseau RER station (or Massy TGV station) to École Polytechnique, you need to take bus 91.06B or 91.06C to Polytechnique - Lozère.

bus lines map

The map below explains where to find the bus stop relative to the train station Massy-Palaiseau.

Once you get off the bus at Polytechnique, you need to find the math departement called CMLS (Centre de Mathématiques Laurent Schwartz). The map below can also be used to show the route from the math departement in Orsay or from the RER station Lozère.

From the bus stop
From Lozère RER station (steep walk)
From Orsay math departement (even steeper walk)

updated on August 24 2016.