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Some research papers.

ArXiv preprints

Intermediate sums on polyhedra : computation and real Ehrhart theory.

with V. Baldoni, M. Köppe and M. Vergne (Mathematika 59 (2013) 1–22)

Analytic continuation of a parametric polytope and wallcrossing.

with M.Vergne. (In Configuration Spaces.Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology

Publications of the Scuola Normale Superiore, Vol. 14 . 2013)

Computation of the highest coefficients of weighted Ehrhart quasi-polynomials for a rational polytope.

with V. Baldoni, J.De Loera, M. Köppe and M. Vergne. (Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2011).

How to Integrate a Polynomial over a Simplex.

with V. Baldoni, J. De Loera, M. Köppe, M. Vergne. ( Math.of Computation,vol 80. 2011).

Local Euler-Maclaurin expansion of Barvinok valuations and Ehrhart coefficients of a rational polytope.

with V. Baldoni and M. Vergne. (in Contemporary Mathematics, vol 452. 2008. Integer Points in Polyhedra: AMS-

IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, June 11-15, 2006, Snowbird, Utah).

The equivariant Todd genus of a complete toric variety, with Danilov condition.

with M. Vergne. (J. of Algebra, vol. 313, 2007).

Local Euler-Maclaurin formula for polytopes.

with M. Vergne. (Moscow Math.Journal, vol.7 , 2007)