Séminaire CAESAR
de combinatoire additive

Séance du 10 mars 2011
(11 heures, École polytechnique, CMLS, salle de conférence):

Daniel KRÁL'
(Univerzita Karlova, Prague, République tchèque)

Algebraic analogues of the graph-theoretic removal lemma

We study algebraic analogues of the graph Removal Lemma. Vaguely speaking, the lemma says that if a given graph does not contain too many subgraphs of a given kind, then all the subgraphs of this kind can be destroyed by removing few edges. In 2005, Green conjectured the following analogue of it for systems of equations over integers: For every k x m integral matrix A with rank k and every eps>0, there exists delta>0 such that the following holds for every N and every subset S of {1,...N}: if the number of solutions of A x = 0 with x \in S^m is at most delta N^{m-k}, then it is possible to destroy all solutions x \in S^m of A x = 0 by removing at most eps N elements from the set S. The conjecture includes the statement of the well-known theorem of Szemeredi on the existence of arbitrary long arithmetic progressions in dense subsets of integers as one of its special cases (through a suitable choice of the matrix A). We will briefly discuss this in the talk. We prove the conjecture by establishing its variant for not necessarily homogenous systems of equations over finite fields. The core of our proof is a reduction of the statement to the colored version of hypergraph Removal Lemma for (k+1)-uniform hypergraphs. Independently of us, Shapira obtained the same result using a reduction to the colored version of hypergraph Removal Lemma for O(m^2)-uniform hypergraphs.

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