Séminaire CAESAR
de combinatoire additive

Séance du vendredi 2 décembre 2011
(11 heures, Jussieu, couloir 1525, salle 102):

(IMJ, Paris 6)

A remark on Ruzsa's construction of a Sidon set

A Sidon set is a subset of the integers with the property that the sums of every two elements are different. A trivial Sidon set is the set of powers of two, but constructing larger Sidon sets is harder. In 1998 Imre Ruzsa gave a probabilistic construction of a Sidon set with a much better counting function. In this talk I will explain Ruzsa's construction and give an alternate proof of his result based on an idea of Ruzsa and Javier Cilleruelo.

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