Séminaire CAESAR
de combinatoire additive

Séance du jeudi 15 janvier 2015
(11 heures, École polytechnique, salle de séminaire):

(Brasilia, Brésil)

Weighted zero-sum problems over (C_3)^r

Let C_n be the cyclic group of order n and set s_A (C_n^r) as the smallest integer l such that every sequence in C_n^r of length at least l has an A-zero-sum subsequence of length equal to the exponent of C_n^r, for A={-1,1}. In this lecture, among other things, we shall give estimates for s_A (C_3^r), and we shall prove that s_A(C_3^3)=9, s_A(C_3^4)=21 and 40 < s_A(C_3^5) < 46. This is a joint work with Hemar Godinho and Abilio Lemos published in Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 15 (2013), 201-212.

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