Séminaire CAESAR
de combinatoire additive

Séance du 21 octobre 2010
(10 heures 30, Jussieu, couloir 15-25, salle 102):

Wolfgang SCHMID
(CMLS, Ecole polytechnique)

On some "arithmetical" zero-sum problems

This talk is envisioned as a continuation of the talk "From Arithmetic to Additive Combinatorics, and back," yet an effort will be made to keep it sufficiently self-contained to make attending this talk only feasible. Mainly, this is also a survey talk, yet in parts close to recent and ongoing research. Several zero-sum problems over finite abelian groups that have natural "arithmetic" motivations, yet might seem artificial when considered as "pure" zero-sum problems, are discussed. The level of detail in which the respective problems are discussed will vary, and could be adapted on the fly according to the wishes of the audience.

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