
Activities organised by SÉDIGA

ANR Programme blanc N° ANR-08-BLAN-0317-01/02

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March 2011

  • Small workshop at the CIRM
    Date duration: March 29 -31, 2011
    Topics: Work of K. Kedlaya and T. Mochizuki on the formal structure of meromorphic connections
    Organizers: Yves André, Francesco Baldassarri, Maurizio Cailotto and Claude Sabbah
    Contacts: Yves André & Claude Sabbah
    Registration necessary (before February 25) on the CIRM web page

  • Description: The talks will mainly be about the articles
    Good formal structure for meromorphic flat connections on smooth projective surfaces, Algebraic analysis and around, 223-253, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., vol. 54, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2009, by T. Mochizuki, arXiv: 0803.1346
  • Good formal structures for flat meromorphic connections, I: Surfaces, Duke Math. J. 154 (2010), no. 2, 343-418, by K. Kedlaya, arXiv: 0811.0190

  • List of participants:
    Yves André (Paris), Francesco Baldassarri (Padova), Maurizio Cailotto (Padova), Valentina Di Proietto (Padova), Viktoria Heu (Strasbourg), Marco Hien (Augsburg), Ko-Ki Ito (Kyoto), Damien Mégy (Nice), Giovanni Morando (Padova), Andrea Pulita (Montpellier), Claude Sabbah (Palaiseau), Masa-Hiko Saito (Kobe), Laurent Stolovich (Nice).


    Tuesday, March 29
    9h30-10h30 Claude Sabbah: Introduction 1: Reminder on results concerning formal meromorphic connections in dimension 1 (without detail, some will be taken up in other talks). Problems in higer dimension, notion of a good formal structure.
    11h-12h Claude Sabbah: Introduction 2: Question concerning the existence of a good formal structure after blowing-up. Existence of a Deligne-Malgrange lattice (after Mochizuki). Applications (without proof): conjecture of Malgrange, Stokes theory, Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, etc.
    12h-12h30 Discussion and questions
    12h30 Lunch
    15h30-16h30 Marco Hien: Article of Mochizuki, 1.
    17h-18h Yves André: Introduction to the article of Kedlaya, general strategy.
    18h15-19h15 Giovanni Morando: Article of Kedlaya, Section 1 (1).
    19h30 Dinner
    20h45 Discussion and questions

    Wednesday, March 30
    9h30-10h30 Marco Hien: Article of Mochizuki, 2.
    11h-12h Giovanni Morando: Article of Kedlaya, Section 1 (2).
    12h-12h30 Discussion and questions
    12h30 Lunch
    15h30-16h30 Andrea Pulita: Article of Kedlaya, Section 2 (2.1 to 2.3).
    17h-18h Andrea Pulita: Article of Kedlaya, Section 2 (2.5 to 2.7).
    18h15-19h15 Valentina Di Proietto: Article of Kedlaya, Section 3 (1).
    19h30 Dinner
    21h-22h Valentina Di Proietto: Article of Kedlaya, Section 3 (2).

    Thursday, March 31
    9h30-10h30 Maurizio Cailotto: Article of Kedlaya, Section 4 (4.1-4.2).
    11h-12h Maurizio Cailotto: Article of Kedlaya, Section 4 (4.3-4.4 and 4.6).
    12h-12h30 Discussion and questions
    12h30 Lunch
    15h30-16h30 Francesco Baldassarri: Article of Kedlaya, Section 5 (5.1-5.2).
    17h-18h Francesco Baldassarri: Article of Kedlaya, Section 5 (5.3-5.4).
    18h15-19h15 Claude Sabbah: Article of Kedlaya, Section 6.
    19h30 Dinner (bouillabaisse)